Principal Engineer saves the day
- Your bio
- The assignment
- Modeling the solution
- Verifying the solution
- Design and its effect on automated testing
- Retrospective
Your bio
At the age of three you killed Python and wore it as a hat. You have a resume a mile long from all your successfully completed projects, and a thousand yard stare from the ones you couldn’t save. You’ll probably be a programmer forever, if only because semi-pro competitive tap dance just doesn’t pay the bills.
The assignment
- Simplify the junior developer’s solution.
- Use the model checker to verify that your elegant solution is, as Einstein would say, “as simple as possible but no simpler.”
Modeling the solution
Using the model checker as a guide, you refactor the solution to denormalize the data model somewhat. Whenever possible, you convert logic to simple database transactions.
----------------------------- MODULE principal -----------------------------
(* Redeclaration of specdatamodels variables *)
EXTENDS Sequences, Naturals, FiniteSets
vars == <<events, month, database>>
INSTANCE specdatamodels
Now == Len(events)
Months == 0..10
(* Strong Typing *)
Month == Nat
(* Database Rows *)
VideoAccessRow ==
[type : {"enabled", "disabled"}] \union
type : {"disabledasoftimestamp"},
disabledtime: Month
TrialStatusRow ==
[type: {"eligible", "ineligible", "cancelled"}] \union
type : {"started"},
endtime: Month
SubscriptionStatusRow ==
[ type: {"notsubscribed", "subscribed", "tocancel"}] \union
type: {"tocancel"},
canceltime: Month
UpcomingChargeItem == [fee : Fees, event: Nat]
TypeOk ==
/\ EventsOk
/\ month \in Month
\* Represents a singleton record type tracking the billing month
/\ database.billingMonth \in Month
\* Table with VideoAccessRow definition
/\ database.videoAccess \in [USERS -> VideoAccessRow]
\* Table with TrialStatusRow definition
/\ database.trial \in [USERS -> TrialStatusRow]
\* Table with SubscriptionStatusRow definition
/\ database.subscription \in [USERS -> SubscriptionStatusRow]
\* A row index, by user and month, that holds UpcomingCharges
/\ database.upcomingCharges \in [USERS -> [Months -> SUBSET UpcomingChargeItem]]
\* Table with PastDueStatus row definition
/\ database.inGoodStanding \in [USERS -> BOOLEAN]
(* API endpoints *)
\* Database query:
IsSubscribed(u) ==
\/ database.subscription[u].type = "subscribed"
\* A converted trial that hasn't been processed in database
\/ /\ database.trial[u].type = "started"
/\ database.trial[u].endtime <= month
StartSubscription(u) ==
LET paymentFailedCharges ==
IF database.inGoodStanding[u] = TRUE
ELSE {[event |-> Now, fee |-> FailedPaymentFee]}
LET thisMonthsCharges ==
database.upcomingCharges[u][month] \union
\* Add payment failed fee if applicable
\* Remove cancellation fee for next month
LET nextMonthsCharges == {
c \in database.upcomingCharges[u][month+1]:
c.fee # CancellationFee
\* Transaction precondition
/\ ~IsSubscribed(u)
\* Transaction
/\ database' =
[database EXCEPT
!["inGoodStanding"][u] = TRUE,
!["subscription"][u] = [type |-> "subscribed"],
!["trial"][u] = [type |-> "ineligible"],
!["videoAccess"][u] = [type |-> "enabled"],
\* Add charges
!["upcomingCharges"][u][month] = thisMonthsCharges,
!["upcomingCharges"][u][month+1] = nextMonthsCharges
\* Observability required by stub
/\ events' = Append(events, [type |-> "startsubscription", user |-> u])
/\ UNCHANGED month
CancelSubscription(u) ==
LET cancelTime == month + 1 IN
LET cancellationFee == [
event |-> Now,
fee |-> CancellationFee]
LET subscriptionFee ==
[event |-> Now,
fee |-> SubscriptionFee]
\* Adds subscription fee for this month if not already added
LET thisMonthsCharges == IF ~\E charge \in database.upcomingCharges[u][month]:
charge.fee = SubscriptionFee
THEN database.upcomingCharges[u][month] \union
ELSE database.upcomingCharges[u][month]
\* Transaction precondition
/\ IsSubscribed(u)
\* Transaction
/\ database' =
[database EXCEPT
!["trial"][u] = [type |-> "ineligible"],
!["subscription"][u] = [type |-> "tocancel", canceltime |-> cancelTime],
!["videoAccess"][u] = [type |-> "disabledasoftimestamp",
disabledtime |-> cancelTime],
!["upcomingCharges"][u][month] = thisMonthsCharges,
\* Queue up cancellation fee for next month
!["upcomingCharges"][u][month + 1] =
database.upcomingCharges[u][month] \union
\* Observability required by stub
/\ events' = Append(events, [type |-> "cancelsubscription", user |-> u])
/\ UNCHANGED <<month>>
StartTrial(u) ==
LET endTime == month + 1 IN
\* Transaction precondition
/\ database.trial[u].type = "eligible"
\* Transaction
/\ database' =
[database EXCEPT
!["trial"][u] = [type |-> "started",
endtime |-> endTime],
!["videoAccess"][u] =
[type |-> "enabled"]
\* Observability required by stub
/\ events' = Append(events, [type |-> "starttrial", user |-> u])
/\ UNCHANGED <<month>>
CancelTrial(u) ==
\* Transaction precondition
/\ database.trial[u].type = "started"
\* The trial has not already ended
/\ database.trial[u].endtime > month
\* Transaction
/\ database' =
[database EXCEPT
!["trial"][u] = [type |-> "cancelled"],
!["videoAccess"][u] =
[type |-> "disabled"]
\* Observability required by stub
/\ events' = Append(events, [type |-> "canceltrial", user |-> u])
/\ UNCHANGED <<month>>
\* Database query
WatchVideoAuthorized(u) ==
\/ database.videoAccess[u].type = "enabled"
\/ /\ database.videoAccess[u].type = "disabledasoftimestamp"
/\ database.videoAccess[u].disabledtime > month
WatchVideo(u) ==
/\ WatchVideoAuthorized(u)
\* Observability required by stub
/\ events' = Append(events, [type |-> "watchvideo", user |-> u])
/\ UNCHANGED <<month, database>>
Bill(u, fee) ==
/\ events' = Append(events, [type |-> "bill",
user |-> u,
fee |-> fee])
PaymentFailed(u, fee) ==
/\ database' =
[database EXCEPT
!["inGoodStanding"][u] = FALSE,
!["subscription"][u] = [type |-> "notsubscribed"],
!["trial"][u] = [type |-> "ineligible"],
!["videoAccess"][u] = [type |-> "disabled"],
\* Remove all upcoming changes
!["upcomingCharges"][u][month] = {},
!["upcomingCharges"][u][month+1] = {}
/\ events' = Append(events, [type |-> "paymentfailed",
user |-> u ,
fee |-> fee])
/\ UNCHANGED <<month>>
(* Recurring Operations *)
\* This the the state that calls the Payment Failed API
ExistingBillFailed ==
\/ \E i \in 1..Len(events):
\* Only a past bill can fail
/\ events[i] \in BillEvent
/\ PaymentFailed(events[i].user, events[i].fee)
\* Trial users that have passed trial period are subscribed
ConvertTrialUser(u) ==
/\ database.trial[u].type = "started"
/\ database.trial[u].endtime <= month \* The trial has ended
\* Transaction
/\ database' =
[database EXCEPT
!["subscription"][u] = [type |-> "subscribed"],
!["trial"][u] = [type |-> "ineligible"],
!["videoAccess"][u] = [type |-> "enabled"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<month, events>>
\* Cancelled users that have passed cancellation period are unsubscribed
ProcessCancelledUser(u) ==
/\ database.subscription[u].type = "tocancel"
/\ database.subscription[u].canceltime <= month
/\ database' = [database EXCEPT
\* unsubscribe
!["subscription"][u] = [type |-> "notsubscribed"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<month, events>>
\* Any subscribed user is billed this month
BillUserForSubscription(u) ==
LET subscriptionFee ==
[event |-> Now,
fee |-> SubscriptionFee]
/\ database.subscription[u].type = "subscribed"
\* Add subscription fee for this month
/\ database' =
[database EXCEPT
!["upcomingCharges"][u][month] =
database.upcomingCharges[u][month] \union
/\ UNCHANGED <<month, events>>
\* Bill users for their current month charges
ProcessCharges ==
/\ \E u \in USERS:
LET monthlyCharges == database.upcomingCharges[u][month] IN
\* If there are upcoming charges for this month
/\ Cardinality(monthlyCharges) > 0
\* Dequeue a bill
/\ \E charge \in monthlyCharges:
\* Submit to payment processor
/\ Bill(u, charge.fee)
\* Delete from queue
/\ database' =
[database EXCEPT
!["upcomingCharges"][u][month] = monthlyCharges \ {charge}
/\ UNCHANGED month
(* Stub method that prevents the month from passing until all operations *)
(* are complete. Represent worker methods, etc. *)
HandledMonth ==
/\ ~ENABLED ProcessCharges
/\ \A u \in USERS:
/\ ~ENABLED ConvertTrialUser(u)
/\ ~ENABLED ProcessCancelledUser(u)
/\ ~ENABLED BillUserForSubscription(u)
MonthPasses ==
/\ HandledMonth
/\ month' = month + 1
/\ events' = Append(events, [type |-> "monthpass"])
/\ UNCHANGED <<database>>
(* Specification *)
Init ==
/\ events = <<>> \* Events must be intialized empty, per stub
/\ month = 0
/\ database = [
\* No months have been billed for yet
billingMonth |-> 0,
\* No user starts with access
videoAccess |-> [u \in USERS |-> [type |-> "disabled"]],
\* Every user starts eligible for trial
trial |-> [u \in USERS |-> [type |-> "eligible"]],
\* Every user starts not subscribed
subscription |-> [u \in USERS |-> [type |-> "notsubscribed"]],
\* All users start in good standing
inGoodStanding |-> [u \in USERS |-> TRUE],
\* No bills to submit
upcomingCharges |-> [u \in USERS |-> [x \in Months |-> {}]]
Next ==
\* Required by stub
\/ MonthPasses
\* State modified below
\/ \E u \in USERS:
\/ StartSubscription(u)
\/ CancelSubscription(u)
\/ StartTrial(u)
\/ CancelTrial(u)
\/ WatchVideo(u)
\/ ConvertTrialUser(u)
\/ ProcessCancelledUser(u)
\/ ConvertTrialUser(u)
\/ BillUserForSubscription(u)
\* Payment failing behavior is part of spec, not implementation
\/ ExistingBillFailed
\/ ProcessCharges
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Sun Jun 19 17:45:52 MST 2022 by elliotswart
\* Created Fri Jun 17 00:28:26 MST 2022 by elliotswart
You use the model checker periodically to ensure that the simplified design still hit requirements. Once you’re confident the design is sufficiently simple, you run a final test on your solution.
Verifying the solution
It passes.
State Name | Total States | Distinct States |
All States | 7995363 | 1115416 |
Time to start building!
Design and its effect on automated testing
When testing requirements, the standard approach is to map each requirement to one or more specific programmatic tests. For straightforward requirements with immediate triggers and effects, this is not a problem. An integration test can trigger the relevant action and observe the effect. For more complex requirements, those that are more woven into the design, this is challenging. Generally, you trace those requirements to a design document which describes how they are to be fulfilled. Senior engineers and/or architects sign off that the design meets the requirements. Then tests are planned to show conformance with the design.
Formal modeling helps us with this process in two ways:
- The requirements can be explicitly mapped to a model
- A specific design model can be tested against the requirement model
The requirements can therefore be straightforwardly verified to be implemented by the design model. It’s far easier to test for sub-system and component compliance with the design model than with textual requirements. Automated requirement testing can often turn into glorified regression tests if a team is not careful. By testing to the design model instead, a team can ensure that critical system characteristics are maintained without over-specifying behavior.
Key takeaways from this series:
- Precise requirements documents can be modeled formally.
- Sloppy logic and design are much more apparent in modeled designs than in code.
- Modeled specifications allow you to refactor business logic confidently.
- Modeling business requirements means that you can focus unit and integration testing on testing critical behavior.