A naive model of caching
Designing a naive cache
In addition to the parameters described previously, we will make a few design decisions:
- Caches will only be filled during reads (as pictured below).
- We will not worry about cache invalidation.
- We will only model a single cache. We are assuming it is either one server, or one consistent replica set. Note: While there are generally many cache servers, the complexity of cache invalidation (at this level) can be modeled with just one cache and one database.
So essentially the only operation we are implementing is the read described in the last section.
Now we have all our design parameters. Let’s model!
Success criteria
Because caches are so well understood, we can come up with our success criteria before modeling. Note how it defines certain key data models, so success can be defined.
------------------------- MODULE cacherequirements -------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals
KEYS \* The full set of keys in the database
database, \* database[key] = DataVersion
cache \* cache[key] = CacheValue
\* The maximum number of versions a key can have in this model
MaxVersions == 4
\* Data versions are scoped to an individual key
DataVersion == Nat
\* Represents the absence of a value in a cache
CacheMiss == [type: {"miss"}]
\* Represents the presence of a value in a cache, as well as the value
CacheHit == [type : {"hit"}, version: DataVersion]
DatabaseAndCacheConsistent ==
\A k \in KEYS:
\* If the key is in cache
\/ /\ cache[k] \in CacheHit
\* It should be the same version as the database
/\ cache[k].version = database[k]
\* A cache miss is also okay. A cache won't hold everything
\/ cache[k] \in CacheMiss
\* This means that at some point, the database and cache are consistent.
\* It is important to note that this is not eventual consistency.
\* This only says it needs to be eventually consistent once.
EventuallyDatabaseAndCacheConsistent == <>DatabaseAndCacheConsistent
\* The cache must be always eventually consistent.
AlwaysEventuallyDatabaseAndCacheConsistent ==
\* Used as a state constraint to prevent unbounded testing
\* with infinite versions.
DatabaseRecordsDoNotExceedMaxVersion ==
\A k \in KEYS:
database[k] < MaxVersions
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Tue Jun 14 22:44:55 MST 2022 by elliotswart
\* Created Tue Jun 14 21:36:26 MST 2022 by elliotswart
Note: the requirements are their own TLA+ module. In all our models, we will import it. We can think of it a bit like an interface in a standard programming language.
Modeling the cache
We model the cache, importing the cache requirements module rather than redefining the expressions it provides.
----------------------------- MODULE naivecache -----------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals
KEYS \* The full set of keys in the database
database, \* database[key] = DataVersion
cache \* cache[key] = CacheValue
\* Imports cache requirements to test against
INSTANCE cacherequirements
vars == <<database, cache>>
\* A cache can hold a hit or a miss for any given key
CacheValue == CacheMiss \union CacheHit
TypeOk ==
\* database is a mapping of keys to a data version
/\ database \in [KEYS -> DataVersion]
\* cache is a mapping of kets to a cache value
/\ cache \in [KEYS -> CacheValue]
Init ==
\* All keys in the database are initialized to their first version
/\ database = [k \in KEYS |-> 0]
\* All keys in the cache are initialized to a miss, i.e. no data in cache
/\ cache = [k \in KEYS |-> [type |-> "miss"]]
DatabaseUpdate(k) ==
\* The version of that key is incremented, representing a write
/\ database' = [database EXCEPT
![k] = database[k] + 1]
/\ UNCHANGED cache
CacheRead(k) ==
\* The data is already in the cache
/\ cache[k] \in CacheHit
\* So the cache remains the same
/\ UNCHANGED cache
/\ UNCHANGED database
CacheReadThrough(k) ==
\* The data is not in the cache
/\ cache[k] \in CacheMiss
\* So it is read from the database
/\ cache' = [cache EXCEPT
![k] = [
\* Cache value is now a hit
type |-> "hit",
\* Set to whatever version is in database
version |-> database[k]
/\ UNCHANGED database
CacheEvict(k) ==
\* The data is in cache, so can be evicted
/\ cache[k] \in CacheHit
\* cache[k]is turned into a miss
/\ cache' = [cache EXCEPT ![k] = [type |-> "miss"]]
/\ UNCHANGED database
(* Fairness: Normally no operation is guaranteed to happen; it just may. *)
(* However, that means that the cache could just stop reading forever. *)
(* And so it would never update. Now that doesn't seem reasonable. *)
\* The cache will always be able to...
CacheFairness ==
\E k \in KEYS:
\/ CacheRead(k) \* Read
\/ CacheReadThrough(k) \* Write
\* CacheEvict(k) is not here, because CacheEvict is something that
\* may happen. It is not guaranteed
(* Specification *)
Next ==
\E k \in KEYS:
\* Database states
\/ DatabaseUpdate(k)
\* Cache states
\/ CacheRead(k)
\/ CacheReadThrough(k)
\/ CacheEvict(k)
\* Cache fairness is included as part of the specification of system behavior.
\* This is just how the system works.
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ WF_vars(CacheFairness)
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Tue Jun 14 22:51:06 MST 2022 by elliotswart
\* Created Tue Jun 14 20:36:02 MST 2022 by elliotswart
Verifying the cache
First let’s try setting DatabaseAndCacheConsistent as an invariant and see what happens. This says that the cache and the database must always be consistent with each other.
Invariant DatabaseAndCacheConsistent is violated.
- 1. Initial predicate
- cache
- k1
- type: miss
- k1
- database
- k1 : 0
- cache
- 2. CacheReadThrough The cache reads through and gets version 0 of key 1
- cache
- k1
- type: hit
- version: 0
- k1
- database
- k1 : 0
- cache
- 3. DatabaseUpdate The database updates to version 1 of key 1. No longer consistent with cache.
- cache
- k1
- type: hit
- version: 0
- k1
- database
- k1 : 1
- cache
This is what we’d expect. The Cache and the Database are not always consistent with each other. If this passed, we should doubt the model.
What if we use the eventually consistent property AlwaysEventuallyDatabaseAndCacheConsistent? We get another error. Temporal property violations are not as clear as logical ones.
Temporal properties were violated.
- 1. Initial predicate
- cache
- k1
- type: miss
- k1
- database
- k1 : 0
- cache
- 2. CacheReadThrough The cache reads through and gets version 0 of key 1
- cache
- k1
- type: hit
- version: 0
- k1
- database
- k1 : 0
- cache
- 3. DatabaseUpdate Database updated state
- cache
- k1
- type: hit
- version: 0
- k1
- database
- k1 : 1
- cache
- 4. DatabaseUpdate
- cache
- k1
- type: hit
- version: 0
- k1
- database
- k1 : 2
- cache
- 5. DatabaseUpdate Database updated state for the last time
- cache
- k1
- type: hit
- version: 0
- k1
- database
- k1 : 3
- cache
- Stuttering Cache could do nothing, and remained inconsistent
Because we have no way of guaranteeing that a key will be evicted from the cache, as soon as the key is set, the cache will not change.
As we can see, our current model of cache is not eventually consistent with the database. We need to systematically clear the cache of outdated values. We need cache invalidation.