(Verifying Correctness) A working solution Designing the working solution Write Profile Read Profile Assumptions Modeling the working solution Verifying the solution Single Server Two Servers Final large test Summary Designing the working solution The problem we faced in the last solution was that the images were overwriting each other in the blob store. To perform a write, the blob was overwritten, leaving the system in an inconsistent state that would be returned by the read. The solution to this is simple: We generate a UUID for image, store it, and then associate it with the database record. That way the database record and image change together in a transactional manner.
Write Profile Client Client Server Server Database Database Blob Store Blob Store Submits request Generates UUID for image Writes blob, with UUID as key Returns status Writes record with userId as key Record contains metadata and UUID of image Returns status alt [any failure] Returns fail / timeout Returns success Read Profile Client Client Server Server Database Database Blob Store Blob Store Submits request Reads database record with userId as key Returns status alt [metadata not present in database] Returns empty record Reads blob, with stored UUID as key Returns status alt [any unhandled failure] Returns fail / timeout Returns success Assumptions We assume the UUID is always unique. This isn’t strictly true. The likelihood of each UUID being non-unique is 1/(2.71 quintillion). However, for the purpose of our model, we treat the probability as 0 and move on.
Note: Deciding on what assumptions to make will be harder when the probability of failure is more likely. For example, a 1/(1 billon) event would happen to Facebook many times a day. It is critical to track your assumptions and back them up with observability/monitoring or other techniques.
Modeling the working solution The state machine is unchanged, but the state definitions will be updated.
---------------------------- MODULE working ----------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals , Sequences
\* This constant is added to allow us to assign UUIDs as blob store keys
databaseState ,
blobStoreState ,
serverStates ,
vars == << databaseState , blobStoreState , serverStates , operations >>
(* Strong Typing *)
UserIdVal == USERIDS \union { "UNSET" }
MetadataVal == METADATAS \union { "UNSET" }
ImageVal == IMAGES \union { "UNSET" }
UUIDVal == UUIDS \union { "UNSET" } \* added UUID type
(* Describes a database record. We need this now that it has to keep track *)
(* of which image UUID it is associated with. *)
DatabaseRecord == [
metadata : MetadataVal ,
imageId : UUIDVal
(* Describes all possible states a server can be in. Unchanged since last *)
(* example. *)
ServerStateVal ==
state : {
\* current:
"waiting" , \* next: StartWrite or StartRead
\* after: StartWrite
"started_write" , \* next: WriteBlob or FailWrite
\* after: WriteBlob
"wrote_blob" , \* next: WriteMetadataAndReturn or FailWrite
\* after: StartRead
"started_read" , \* next: ReadMetadata
\* after: ReadMetadata, ReadMetadataAndReturnEmpty
"read_metadata" \* next: ReadBlobAndReturn
userId : UserIdVal ,
metadata : MetadataVal ,
imageId : UUIDVal , \* Need to track imageId to perform a lookup
image : ImageVal
\* This is an observability value, and we are still measuring the same thing
\* No changes are needed
OperationValue == [ type : { "READ" , "WRITE" },
userId : UserIdVal ,
metadata : MetadataVal ,
image : ImageVal ]
TypeOk ==
\* Database state modified to hold database records
/\ databaseState \in [ USERIDS -> DatabaseRecord ]
\* Blob store uses UUIDs as keys rather than userIds
/\ blobStoreState \in [ UUIDS -> ImageVal ]
/\ serverStates \in [ SERVERS -> ServerStateVal ]
/\ operations \in Seq ( OperationValue )
Init ==
\* Database record needs to be initialized differently
/\ databaseState =
[ u \in USERIDS |-> [ metadata |-> "UNSET" , imageId |-> "UNSET" ]]
\* Blob store is initialized with UUIDS
/\ blobStoreState = [ u \in UUIDS |-> "UNSET" ]
/\ serverStates = [ s \in SERVERS |-> [ state |-> "waiting" ,
userId |-> "UNSET" ,
metadata |-> "UNSET" ,
imageId |-> "UNSET" ,
image |-> "UNSET"
/\ operations = <<>>
(* State Machine: All of the states are functions of s (server), because *)
(* the only actively modeled actors in this system are our servers, but *)
(* there can be multiple working simultaneously. *)
(* Writes *)
StartWrite ( s ) ==
/\ serverStates [ s ]. state = "waiting"
/\ \ E u \in USERIDS , m \in METADATAS , i \in IMAGES :
/\ serverStates' = [ serverStates EXCEPT
![ s ]. state = "started_write" ,
\* Set values for the upcoming write
![ s ]. userId = u ,
![ s ]. metadata = m ,
![ s ]. image = i ]
\* Record the write for observability
/\ operations' = Append ( operations ,
type |-> "WRITE" ,
userId |-> u ,
metadata |-> m ,
image |-> i
/\ UNCHANGED << databaseState , blobStoreState >>
WriteBlob ( s ) ==
LET currentState == serverStates [ s ]
/\ currentState . state = "started_write"
/\ \ E id \in UUIDS :
(* Guarantees a unique Id to simulate UUID. Note: If we run out of *)
(* unset UUIDs, our system will just stop writing. We need to look *)
(* out for this and ensure the set of UUIDs is large enough. *)
/\ blobStoreState [ id ] = "UNSET" \*
/\ blobStoreState' = [ blobStoreState EXCEPT
![ id ] = currentState . image ]
\* Track Id to write to database
/\ serverStates' = [ serverStates EXCEPT
![ s ]. state = "wrote_blob" ,
![ s ]. imageId = id ]
/\ UNCHANGED << databaseState , operations >>
\* Writing the database is now the last part of a write operation
WriteMetadataAndReturn ( s ) ==
LET currentState == serverStates [ s ]
/\ currentState . state = "wrote_blob"
/\ databaseState' = [ databaseState EXCEPT
![ currentState . userId ] = [
metadata |-> currentState . metadata ,
\* Store imageId in database for read
imageId |-> currentState . imageId ] ]
/\ serverStates' = [ serverStates EXCEPT
![ s ]. state = "waiting" ,
![ s ]. userId = "UNSET" ,
![ s ]. metadata = "UNSET" ,
![ s ]. image = "UNSET" ,
![ s ]. imageId = "UNSET" ]
/\ UNCHANGED << blobStoreState , operations >>
FailWrite ( s ) ==
/\ serverStates [ s ]. state \in { "started_write" , "wrote_blob" }
/\ serverStates' = [ serverStates EXCEPT
![ s ]. state = "waiting" ,
![ s ]. userId = "UNSET" ,
![ s ]. metadata = "UNSET" ,
![ s ]. image = "UNSET" ,
![ s ]. imageId = "UNSET" ]
/\ UNCHANGED << databaseState , blobStoreState , operations >>
(* Reads *)
StartRead ( s ) ==
\* Reading only starts when a server is waiting
/\ serverStates [ s ]. state = "waiting"
/\ \ E u \in USERIDS :
serverStates' = [ serverStates EXCEPT
![ s ]. state = "started_read" ,
![ s ]. userId = u ]
/\ UNCHANGED << databaseState , blobStoreState >>
/\ UNCHANGED operations
\* If database record is present
ReadMetadata ( s ) ==
LET currentState == serverStates [ s ]
/\ currentState . state = "started_read"
\* Represents reading the metadata while the database record is set
/\ databaseState [ currentState . userId ]. metadata # "UNSET"
/\ serverStates' =
[ serverStates EXCEPT
![ s ]. state = "read_metadata" ,
![ s ]. metadata = databaseState [ currentState . userId ]. metadata ,
\* Reads imageId from database
![ s ]. imageId = databaseState [ currentState . userId ]. imageId ]
/\ UNCHANGED << databaseState , blobStoreState >>
/\ UNCHANGED operations
\* If database record is not present
ReadMetadataAndReturnEmpty ( s ) ==
LET currentState == serverStates [ s ]
/\ currentState . state = "started_read"
\* Represents reading the metadata while the database record is unset
/\ databaseState [ currentState . userId ]. metadata = "UNSET"
/\ serverStates' = [ serverStates EXCEPT
![ s ]. state = "waiting" ,
![ s ]. userId = "UNSET" ,
![ s ]. metadata = "UNSET" ,
![ s ]. image = "UNSET" ,
![ s ]. imageId = "UNSET" ]
/\ operations' = Append ( operations ,
(* Returns an empty record *)
type |-> "READ" ,
userId |-> currentState . userId ,
metadata |-> "UNSET" ,
image |-> "UNSET"
/\ UNCHANGED << databaseState , blobStoreState >>
ReadBlobAndReturn ( s ) ==
LET currentState == serverStates [ s ]
/\ currentState . state = "read_metadata"
/\ operations' = Append ( operations ,
type |-> "READ" ,
userId |-> currentState . userId ,
metadata |-> currentState . metadata ,
\* Looks up image by imageId
image |-> blobStoreState [ currentState . imageId ]
/\ serverStates' = [ serverStates EXCEPT
![ s ]. state = "waiting" ,
![ s ]. userId = "UNSET" ,
![ s ]. metadata = "UNSET" ,
![ s ]. image = "UNSET" ,
![ s ]. imageId = "UNSET" ]
/\ UNCHANGED << databaseState , blobStoreState >>
(* Specification / Next *)
Next ==
\* For every step, pick a server and have it advance one state
\ E s \in SERVERS :
\/ StartWrite ( s )
\/ WriteBlob ( s ) \* New step
\/ WriteMetadataAndReturn ( s ) \* New step
\/ FailWrite ( s )
\/ StartRead ( s )
\/ ReadMetadata ( s ) \* New step
\/ ReadMetadataAndReturnEmpty ( s ) \* New step
\/ ReadBlobAndReturn ( s )
Spec == Init /\ [][ Next ]_ vars
(* Invariants *)
\* Note that the success criteria hasn't changed this whole time
ConsistentReads ==
\* If there are no operations, they are consistent
\/ operations = <<>>
\/ \ A i \in 1. . Len ( operations ): \* For every read operation
LET readOp == operations [ i ] IN
\/ /\ readOp . type = "READ"
\* There must exist a write operation
/\ \/ \ E j \in 1. . i :
LET writeOp == operations [ j ] IN
/\ writeOp . type = "WRITE"
\* With the same data
/\ readOp . userId = writeOp . userId
/\ readOp . metadata = writeOp . metadata
/\ readOp . image = writeOp . image
\/ \* Ignore unset reads
/\ readOp . metadata = "UNSET"
/\ readOp . image = "UNSET"
\/ readOp . type = "WRITE" \* Ignore writes
(* This is used for model checker configuration so the simulation doesn't *)
(* go on forever. *)
StopAfter3Operations ==
Len ( operations ) <= 3
StopAfter5Operations ==
Len ( operations ) <= 5
Verifying the solution Single Server We’re pretty confident this solution is going to work, but we’ve been confident before. We’ll start our test using just a single server, s1 .
SERVERS = { s1 }
METADATAS = { m1 , m2 }
USERIDS = { u1 }
IMAGES = { i1 , i2 }
UUIDS = { ui1 , ui2 , ui3 , ui4 , ui5 }
We also limit our total operations (Read or Write ) to 3. That might not sound like much, but it’s caught all our errors so far.
But this time, instead of errors, we get back a state space:
State Name Total States Distinct States Init 1 1 StartWrite 81904 4844 WriteBlob 16300 16300 WriteMetadataAndReturn 16300 5040 FailWrite 21144 14224 StartRead 20476 20476 ReadMetadata 15000 15000 ReadMetadataAndReturnEmpty 5476 451 ReadBlobAndReturn 15000 760
This is all the states that were tested by the checker. And it worked! We’re not done yet, though; this is just a single server. Let’s see what happens when we throw a second one in the mix.
Two Servers We are now testing with two servers, s1 , and s2 . We are again stopping after 3 operations.
SERVERS = { s1 , s2 }
METADATAS = { m1 , m2 }
USERIDS = { u1 }
IMAGES = { i1 , i2 }
UUIDS = { ui1 , ui2 , ui3 , ui4 , ui5 }
This test passes too!
State Name Total States Distinct States Init 1 1 StartWrite 1064288 29892 WriteBlob 287040 166620 WriteMetadataAndReturn 287040 59500 FailWrite 373296 42664 StartRead 266072 184372 ReadMetadata 206560 146800 ReadMetadataAndReturnEmpty 59512 1571 ReadBlobAndReturn 365600 4100
Note how the number of states has expanded drastically. This is to be expected; two servers can interact in a lot more ways than one server. So the two tests that have been guiding our entire development have passed! Are we done now? Not quite.
Final large test Before we can be really confident, we have to run a larger test. We’re going with 4 servers this time, and way more types of images and metadata. We’re also going up to 10 operations. This is overall a much more representative test. Why didn’t we start with it?
SERVERS = { s1 , s2 , s3 }
METADATAS = { m1 , m2 , m3 }
USERIDS = { u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 , u5 }
IMAGES = { i1 , i2 , i3 }
UUIDS = { ui1 , ui2 }
The state space grows exponentially on the number of constants. The previous tests completed in seconds. This test completed in hours. It’s easy to make a test that will take days. The recommended technique is to start small and work your way up. Finally, do a large test on a powerful machine. The TLA+ toolbox can even spin up fast cloud workers. If you get failures with small tests, a large test isn’t going to be any better. But if all your small tests are passing, it’s time to really stress test the solution. In general, running the biggest test you can afford to wait for is the right answer (unless you know particular details about your system that would make expanding the test unnecessary).
Here is the final state space. Look how large it is:
State Name Total States Distinct States All States 2281234 728303
Precise state profiling needed to be turned off just so this model would run.
Summary Now we can be confident in our solution. And this is how it will remain forever, perfect and untouched! I bet no one is going to want to add features. Oh wait…